Today’s creativity exercise

Today I spent a lot of time assembling a quilt top. I decided I didn’t like the center according to the pattern layout. So I took apart several blocks and played around with layout. I took several pictures to get an overall view of the project and then I made a final decision.

I normally talk about quilting on My Creative Corner3 and my podcast and I am sure I will in the future. I have to say that today I spent the day doing things that really made me feel creative. Like changing the quilt pattern I was following to suit my needs and vision. I then rearranged my table scape on my dining room table. Then I changed the arrangement of my shelf displays. I put up new art in some spaces and this got me thinking about changing some other art and outdated photos. I found a plastic serving tray that I thought should be upcycled vs trashed so I layed out several ideas before I commit to hot gluing my final decisions down from objects I have here in my craft “studio”.

I was inspired by the light outside this afternoon to take some photos of the pieced quilt top. Best thing is that my phone camera will now take pictures on voice command. What a magical invention our cell phones are now!

Then I was tired. I found Headspace on Netflix. It is a meditation app that I love and I have used the free meditations often online or on my phone, again magic. One day I want to subscribe to the app for all the features. Maybe I will this year, I felt so much better after doing the meditation exercise .

Overall, I don’t have tons of things to share as “accomplishments” that are photo worthy. I spent lots of time loom knitting this evening to learn what it is all about. While knitting, I can just let my mind wander, dream and spin. I am feeling quite Zen and accomplished.

That’s how a creative spends a day off from the day job. Playing with items laying around and being inspired by ordinary things. Allowing yourself to see things differently even in a simple task like rearranging the shelf displays or table scape. When creativity is allowed to flow it then can spill over into all kinds of things , all day. It was wonderful. It was a perfect day off and it went by in a flash. Time sure flies when you’re having fun.


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